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  • Writer's pictureLauren Angle

The Cost of Going to Trial

If you are going to trial, it means that somewhere down the line, someone has failed. What I mean by that is that someone(s) has failed to find it in themselves to compromise, effectively negotiate and/or find a resolution. Going to trial means that you are willing to put the resolution of your problem in the hands of a judge. In reality, going to trial has some consequences that can truly have a negative impact on your family as a whole. Besides the obvious, the judge not ruling in your favour, here are some other consequences you may not have thought of:

1. TIME: Did you know that a trial is all day every day for up to a week? Are you able to drop everything in order to be there? Also, a trial takes a TON of prep work. This work is time-consuming and details specifically. The burden of prepping for a trial can be enough stress alone.

2. RESENTMENT/TRAUMA: When you are in trial, think about the impact cross-examining your partner could have. What sort of resentment could this bring up?

3. MONEY: On top of this, there are also legal costs. Honestly, couldn’t your family benefit more from funds being directed to wellness?

We just wanted to bring this up so that you are aware of the realities and costs of going to trial. We often spend time clarifying these to clients whose only depiction of a trial is from television shows or movies. Pop culture does a good job glorifying justice, but not a great job communicating the costs.

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Lauren M. Angle

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